Bottleneck "signature" slide...HOW MUCH????!!!
I saw this the other day...a "signature" bottleneck slide that I chanced upon as a result of clicking a link from a Facebook posting. Now, I do my own bottlenecks slides, made for me by the excellent Diamond Bottlenecks in the UK (I reckon they are a great product at a good price), and so take more than a passing interest in what else is out there on the market, but check this out, it's too good to miss...
Yes, it IS just a simple "single cut" bottleneck slide ...and the price is $54.99...FIFTY FOUR DOLLARS AND NINETYNINE CENTS!!!! (plus $10.00 shipping)..that's £35.00, compared to about $12.50 (£7.95) for one of my single cut slides.
Giving these slides to "high profile" players and then hawking them at this price as a "signature" piece is some piece of marketing flummery...and I reckon they must be made of solid bull. I know that my comments can be construed as"knocking copy", but this is just too good to be ignored. I have no comments to make on the quality of the slides or players associated with this product, but at $54.99 for a piece of glass cut from a bottle...what can I say? I've made sure that the maker's and the endorsing player's names have been obscured, so you'll have to try and figure it out for yourself, should you be remotely interested in tracking them down. By the way, I understand that the price of the slide includes the cost of whatever liquor that was in the bottle in the first place. At this price, I have to conclude that it must also include the time and labour involved in subsequently consuming said liquor by the maker of the must be darned good stuff, that's all I can say.
- John Wormald
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