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- Guitar Necks

From simple 3 string neck blanks to complete 6 string necks ready to fit, we offer a range of necks to help you make your own cigar box or custom guitar. Making a neck is the hardest part of making a guitar, and we can offer our experience and expertise to help get you started.
Guitar Necks
3 string cigar box guitar neck - basic parts

3 string cigar box guitar neck - basic parts
All the components you need to make your own 3 string neck - 36mm wide. Beech/Sapele (depends on what we have in-stock) with a basic shaped headstock and through-body lamination ready for glueing together. Pre-slotted black walnut fretboard, 25/ 1/2 inch scale, with pre-cut nut slot. 5mm machine screw nut, Van Gent hard nickel silver fretwire, 2...
4 string cigar box guitar neck - basic parts

4 string cigar box guitar neck - basic parts
All the components you need to make your own 4 string neck - 42mm wide. Available in sapele or cherrywood (depending on availability), with shaped headstock and through-body lamination ready for glueing together. Pre-slotted black walnut fretboard, 25/ 1/2 inch scale, with pre-cut nut slot. 5mm machine screw nut, Van Gent hard nickel silver f...

3 string cigar box guitar neck - ready glued
Beechwood neck with shaped headstock and through-body lamination, pre-slotted black walnut fretboard, 25/ 1/2 inch scale, with pre-cut nut slot, all glued-up and trimmed. The neck-through section is pre-cut, ready to install into a box of your choice, and can be installed either tight against the underside of the top of the box, or left "floatin...

3 string cigar box guitar neck - fretted and profiled
2 piece cherrywood neck, with shaped headstock and through-body lamination pre-slotted Blackwood Tek fretboard, 25/ 1/2 inch scale, with pre-cut nut slot, all glued-up, trimmed, fretted and profiled. The neck-through section is pre-cut, ready to install into a box of your choice, and can be installed either tight against the underside of the to...
Neck blank - Cherry

Neck blank - Cherry
Easy to work, stable and close grained, cherry is a great wood for making a cigar box guitar necks. It is a pleasure to work, as it cuts, carves, shapes and sands well. It also takes a finish beautifully - my favorite wood for necks. Available for 4 and 3 string guitars. 3 string - 36 x 22 x 900mm 4 string - 42 x 22 x 900mm
Neck blank - Poplar

Neck blank - Poplar
Easy to work, Poplar is an ideal wood for beginners to try their hand at making a cigar box guitar neck. Cuts, shapes and sands easily. Also known as tulipwood or yellow poplar 36 x 24 x 900mm - ideal for 3 string guitars.
Neck blank - Maple

Neck blank - Maple
Strong and resilient, maple is a classic wood for making guitar necks. 36 x 22 x 900mm - ideal for 3 string guitars. 42 x 22 x 900 - for 4 string guitars 42 x 39 x 900 - oversized for 4 string. Thick enough to be used without a fretboard and can be used without having to glue on a backstrap reinforcement, to allow notching out for a pickup.
Laminated Neck Blank

Laminated Neck Blank
If you are looking for something extra special for your cigar box guitar build, these laminated neck blanks are a great starting point. Multi-lamination ensures super strength and stability, and looks great too. These are oversize blanks so there is plenty of "meat" to shape a headstock, carve to profile and also leave a good thickness inside t...
Neck blank - Ash

Neck blank - Ash
Strong and straight grained, ash is a great wood for making a cigar box guitar necks. 36 x 22 x 900mm - ideal for 3 string guitars. 42 x 22 x 900 - a nice chunky blank for 4 string guitars
Blackwood Tek Fretboards

Blackwood Tek Fretboards
Blackwood Tek guitar fretboards, available in a variety of sizes and configurations. We recommended jumbo or super jumbo fretwire for these fretboards. Blackwood Tek is an innovative new "green" material designed as a replacement for ebony and rosewood. It is made from Pinus Radiata softwood (New Zealand Pine), and is treated by pressure and org...
Sapele Mahogany Fretboards

Sapele Mahogany Fretboards
Sapele Mahogany fretboards available in a variety of scale lengths. We recommended medium or jumbo fretwire for these fretboards. All fretboards are 6mm thick, 38mm wide, suitable for 3 string guitars. Plain unslotted blank 24/ 3/4" scale, slotted with 24 frets plus zero fret position 25/ 1/2" scale, slotted with 24 frets plus zero fret positio...
Walnut Fretboards

Walnut Fretboards
Walnut fretboards available in a variety of scale lengths. We recommended medium or jumbo fretwire for these fretboards. All fretboards are 6mm thick, 38mm wide, suitable for 3 string guitars. Plain unslotted blank 24/ 3/4" scale, slotted with 24 frets plus zero fret position 25/ 1/2" scale, slotted with 24 frets plus zero fret position 25/ 1/2...